Past projects:
UNM/iD+Pi Community Plan
Are you interested to see a possible vision of Zuni Pueblo’s future? Want to know what the business climate of Zuni is like? Take a look at the Zuni Pueblo MainStreet Community Plan prepared by the Indigenous Design and Planning Institute (iD+Pi) at the University of New Mexico. (2014)

UNM BBER Community Economic Assessment
If you’re interested in demographic information, take a look at the Community Economic Assessment for Zuni Pueblo MainStreet prepared by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) at the University of New Mexico. It covers such information as economic trends and challenges unique to Zuni (June 2014).

VBOC on the Rez

In partnership with the Veteran’s Business Outreach Centers (VBOC) and the Zuni Veterans organization, Zuni Pueblo MainStreet co-hosted the first-ever “VBOC on the Rez” event in Zuni on November 15th, 2016. This was a free Business Counseling seminar for Zuni veterans who are interested in business and those supporting the business development of Zuni. Guest speakers included Andres Quam (Chu-Chu’s Restaurant) who shared his business success story. Also featured was special guest Kelly Zunie, Cabinet Secretary for the NM Department of Indian Affairs. Other guests included Rich Coffel (VBOC), Russell Pedro (American Indian Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico), Kenneth Adair (VSO), and Cynthia Jarvison (SBDC-Gallup).
ArtPlace America – Revitalizing Zuni Pueblo MainStreet
The UNM School of Architecture and Planning received a $225,000 grant from ArtPlace America in 2013 in an effort to further integrate arts and culture into creative placemaking efforts. Zuni Pueblo MainStreet worked with the Indigenous Design and Planning Institute (iD+Pi), Creative Startups, Zuni Tourism and others over a 3-year period to develop and enhance a number of creative placemaking components, ultimately resulting in the inception of the Zuni Pueblo ArtWalk.
Ongoing projects:
Zuni Four-Way Redevelopment Project
Narrated by Duane Chimoni, this video goes through and illustrates a few of the possible ideas for redesigning the Pia Mesa/Highway 53 Four-Way intersection. The Four-Way is one of Zuni Pueblo’s busiest intersections, and has given rise to concerns of driver and pedestrian safety as well as wayfinding and beautification issues.
Keep Zuni Beautiful – a NM Clean & Beautiful grant through the NM State Tourism Office that includes funds to establish a Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Affiliate Program in Zuni Pueblo in partnership with the Zuni Environmental Protection Program. The Keep Zuni Beautiful initiative provides a replicable framework for community education and hands-on stewardship that reduces litter and encourages recycling, promotes grassroots volunteerism, and makes sustainable improvement possible for our community. The KAB program will provide Zuni with training, tools and grant monies to determine how the community wants to handle litter and illegal dumping issues and then effect that long-term change in Zuni.