About Zuni Pueblo MainStreet
As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Zuni Pueblo MainStreet is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by the National Main Street Center
About Zuni Pueblo
Board of Directors/Staff
MainStreet Four-Point Approach®
Zuni Pueblo became the first Native American community to be designated a MainStreet Community in the United States in July of 2012. The project is centered along NM Highway 53, a State Scenic Byway, which runs through the heart of the Pueblo. As the only indigenous community to receive a MainStreet designation, the project has garnered increased recognition by state, federal, and tribal governments.

Zuni Pueblo MainStreet corridor.
Zuni Pueblo MainStreet is a designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to promoting commerce, economic vitality and a vibrant business climate in the Pueblo of Zuni while preserving our unique culture, traditions and community. The executive director and board work closely with the business community, tribal government and New Mexico MainStreet (a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation) in the development and support of initiatives that help achieve our short and long term goals of economic revitalization.
This is truly an exciting time for Zuni Pueblo. It finds itself poised to benefit from MainStreet resources and expertise. Success in Zuni could lead to the implementation of new strategies to encourage positive development along its MainStreet corridor. By engaging with community members, Zuni Pueblo MainStreet is able to develop a variety of strategies for Zuni that will continue to incorporate the beauty, identity, and cultural assets of Zuni Pueblo, and celebrate culture, community and tradition.
The main goals that inform these concepts are:
- Celebrate Community Identity
- Create Physical Improvements and Enhance Connectivity
- Catalyze Sustainable Economic Development
About New Mexico MainStreet
The New Mexico MainStreet Program is a grassroots economic development program that assists communities in revitalizing their traditional commercial districts. A program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, MainStreet works throughout New Mexico to help affiliated local organizations create an economically viable business environment while preserving cultural and historic resources.
The Program provides resources, education, training and technical services that stimulate the economic vitality of each participating community while celebrating local heritage and culture. MainStreet is a consensus-building program that fosters community pride and encourages the growth of small businesses, consequently enhancing local employment opportunities, tax revenues, property values and quality of life.
New Mexico MainStreet currently serves 27 affiliated MainStreet Districts (including Zuni Pueblo MainStreet), 8 state-authorized Arts & Cultural Districts, 14 Frontier Communities, and 6 Historic Theater Initiatives.
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